Events & Workshops
Full Moon/New Moon Workshops
Pavanjeet opens each workshop with an astrological forecast, highlighting the current energies the collective is facing together and how we can move through these seasons empowered. The Kriya he guides is intentionally crafted to work with these themes. Participants are guided through a series of Kundalini Yoga movements, breath work, mantra, and meditation to help support them through their healing journey - moving energy, clearing blocks, and increasing vitality. Each workshop closes with a Gong Sound Bath - featuring anywhere from three to six Gongs. These healing vibrations from the Gongs allow the work participants have done to integrate into their whole being. From start to finish, these workshops are crafted to provide immense transformation and deep healing.
Rebirthings renew the mind, body and spirit from the burdens of subconscious weight. These profound practices help to clear the past, allowing us to become reborn. These powerful Kriyas are curated and aligned with the current astrological themes, offering intentional support to participants. Each rebirthing contains a variety of healing modalities, including Kundalini Yoga, breathwork, mantra, and meditation. Pavanjeet offers an additional sound healing workshop after each rebirthing to integrate the medicine of the rebirthing. Participants can choose to stay for the rebirthing session only or rest and restore with the resonance of multiple gongs after their session. Rebirthings are powerful, transformative practices that propel participants through big healings.
Trauma Release Breathwork
Stress is a physiological experience. To regain inner peace and resiliency after extended periods of stress or a painful event, the body may require a physical release to reset. This yoga set combines vagal-toning breath-work exercises with intricate mudras to release trauma stored in the body and mind.
This practice is not about discussing or reliving traumatic events. The practice invites the body to release whatever stored trauma is ready to shift without pushing or forcing. It restores the nervous system in order to digest what has previously been unprocessed.
Pavanjeet leads participants through various breathwork techniques that help to tone the vagus nerve, release stored stress, and increase vitality.
(All/Any Pronouns)
Pavanjeet is a Kundalini Yoga, Breath-work and Meditation teacher, sound healer and Western astrologer based in Boulder, Colorado. His teaching style balances the profound with light-hearted play. He offers practical tools for the journey of self-discovery.
Pavanjeet’s studies of yoga and astrology started as a teen and have taken him around the world. Living in ashrams in India and spending weeks in silent meditation, he is a Kundalini Research Institute Level I & II Certified Kundalini Teacher and has taught and supported in many Kundalini Teacher Trainings.
He is a student of Sat Nam Rasayan and Kundalini Yoga Therapy with special training in anxiety & depression, trauma-informed yoga, “cold depression” and reducing inflammation, pain & sleeplessness. He’s studied energy and bodywork with certifications in Kundalini Bodywork and Core Synchronism. He is a graduate of Master Gong Practitioner Training, Gong Therapy and Advanced Gong Training.
He creates spaces of radical self acceptance where all people are celebrated and elevated. In his free time he loves hot springs, drag queens and community gardening.
Option 2
Pavanjeet is a Kundalini Yoga, Breath-work and Meditation teacher, sound healer and Western astrologer based in Boulder, Colorado. His teaching style balances the profound with light-hearted play. He offers practical tools for the journey of self-discovery through a variety of workshops and courses.
Option 3
Pavanjeet is a Kundalini Yoga, Breath-work and Meditation teacher, sound healer and Western astrologer. With over a decade of experience teaching around the country, Pavanjeet intentionally creates workshops and courses to support those on their healing journey. Each practice is carefully curated to work with the current themes the collective is moving through. He holds space and offers guidance in a way that honors each individual to find powerful transformation and deep healing.