Jupiter Chakra Meditation
to heal from childhood trauma


1. Sit comfortably in Easy Pose or in a chair with both feet on the floor. Gently align your spine. If you are comfortable doing so, gently close your eyes. Place your left hand flat at your heart center.

2. You will be using the Jupiter (index) finger of your right hand to touch the following

• The middle of your lower lip

• The tip of your nose

• The outer edge of your eye socket. Alternate touching first the right eye and on the next round your left eye as you continue to move through the sequence.

• ¾ of an inch above the indent of the nose, a point just below the center of the forehead

Chant the Mantra "SA-TA-NA-MA" aloud as you touch these points in sequence.

SA- The middle of your lower lip

TA- The tip of your nose

NA- The outer edge of your eye socket. Alternate touching first the right eye and on the next round the left eye as you continue to move through the sequence.

MA- The forehead point

These points are all points that acupuncturists use to penetrate the blood brain barrier and effect a change in consciousness around emotional / addiction issues. Each round takes about 4-5 seconds

3. Continue for 3-11 minutes. The maximum time to practice this meditation is 33 minutes. Children may start with 3-7 minutes or less.

4. To end, bring your breath in deeply, suspend your breath and feel the child within you. Exhale. Inhale again and picture yourself as a child in your heart. Exhale. Inhale and continue to hold the image of yourself as a child, bless yourself as a child and then release your breath. You may want to sit still, relaxed, for about a minute.